Renshin Bunce
Photo by Shundo Haye
I’m a California native, born in Marin County and raised in Southern California.
In midlife, yearning for a peaceful mind, I began meditating. I met my teacher Myogen Steve Stücky in January of 1994. I made jukai (took my lay vows) with Myogen at Dharma Eye Zen Center in October of 1996; was priest ordained by Zenkei Blanche Hartman at San Francisco Zen Center on January 3, 2003; served as shuso (head student) with Myogen at Tassajara in the fall of 2008, and received dharma transmission from him at Tassajara in April of 2013.
I lived at Tassajara for three years and City Center for four. My job assignments ranged from bath house attendant to kitchen head to front office greeter.
I began training as a chaplain at the Sati Center’s Buddhist Chaplaincy Training in Redwood City in 2007. A one year hospital residency in Clinical Pastoral Education followed. I moved out of Zen Center in 2008 and have been employed as a hospice chaplain since 2010.